The carabinieri have ascertained that many of the reported, in submitting the application for the granting of the benefit, in some cases they would have declared falsehoods and in others they would have failed to report the impediments to the granting of the Source benefit itself:…
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In kindergarten and primary school, the incidence of children with non-Italian citizenship is close to 12%. The second Source generations prevail: Italy
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The future of the university will be characterized by sustainability, of inclusiveness and innovation, explained the rector Giovanna Iannantuoni Source: Italy
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After "Maradona's treasure" on Apple Podcast "The Midas of football" debuts, the podcast in ten episodes of the multimedia format River of money. It starts with the Sampdorian "twins of goal" and with Ronaldo. The volume is in the bookstore…
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Environmentally friendly development of the city, viability, Work, suburbs, but also safety. These are the themes that animated the electoral campaign for the election of the next mayor of Milan. City… Source: Italy
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Waste and mobility. The election of the next mayor of the capital passes through these two puzzle-problems. They are at the top of the concerns respectively of the 56% he was born in 46% of the Romans and camp… Source: Italy
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Supplements in Siena, the test of Rome and Milan, the challenge of consensus between the Lega and Fdi and the timid local alliances between Pd and M5S will have important repercussions on all the current leaders of the political formations Source:…
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According to the Court of Locri, he speculated on the management of the emergency. He was a candidate for the regional assembly of Calabria Source: Italy
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from 30 september to 2 October the general directors of university administrations discuss together with guests from the world of institutions and businesses how and under what conditions the Italian university system can play its role in…
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Commitment to donate 100 billions of dollars to support developing countries. The premier also met with environmental activists Vanessa Nakate and Martina Comparelli Source: Italy
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