Imu and Tasi rates are still growing
The 16 December 25 millions of owners are called to pay the balance of Imu and Tasi 2015. For the fourth year in a row, the bill will be more expensive than the one paid last year… Source: Taxman
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The 16 December 25 millions of owners are called to pay the balance of Imu and Tasi 2015. For the fourth year in a row, the bill will be more expensive than the one paid last year… Source: Taxman
Read moreThe other novelty, also included in the new text of the article 7 of the Legislative Decree 472/1997, concerns the reduction of penalties for non-declaration. In this regard, it is stated that, in… Source: Taxman
Read moreObligation of recidivism also for local taxes. The penalties for non-declaration by Imu and Tari are reduced by half if the complaint is submitted with a delay of no more than 30… Source: Taxman
Read moreIn the scheme of the Economy decree with which the third update of the Legislative Decree will be carried out 118/2011 (anticipated on the Sun 24 Hours of 16 November) a change is expected,… Source: Taxman
Read moreUltimi giorni per le domande di accesso alla voluntary disclosure: scade lunedì 30 novembre il termine per aderire. Relazione accompagnatoria ed eventuali istanze integrative andranno… Source: Taxman
Read morePer il patent box si profila una procedura «modello voluntary», con una prenotazione semplificata e una definizione successiva dell’agevolazione dopo il confronto con l’agenzia delle… Source: Taxman
Read moreItalia al top nella Ue: total tax rate al 64,8% sui profitti. Il Mef: riduzione di 12 punti dal 2004 … Source: Taxman
Read moreSui comodati esenzione con limiti che cancellano anche i vecchi sconti… Source: Taxman
Read moreAl 20 September 2015 inviati circa 19,5 milioni di modelli. Si sta anche studiando l’ampliamento delle voci di spesa che danno diritto a detrazioni … Source: Taxman
Read moreGià accolto l’88% delle richieste presentate per un valore di 426 millions… Source: Taxman
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